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Travel Tuesday
Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 07:00
Hits : 8166

Travel Tuesday with Jana Marshall from RTTtravel

Tune in for Travel Tuesday and get all the latest travel news with RTT’s Jana Marshall and our Friends at AFN Radio K-Town.  During this 60-minute interactive radio show, Jana shares all her secrets about traveling on a budget, how to get the most out of your time while in Europe, travel trends and all the hot spots for sightseeing, shopping, eating and more.  During the show she reveals all the details about new and upcoming RTT trips and the often humorous and personal stories that inspired her to scout the destinations for these trips.  If you are a travel enthusiast or new to Europe don’t miss Travel Tuesday!

Tune In
Tuesdays 07:00 – 08:00 hrs
AFN Kaiserslautern 105.1 FM

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